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Помогите с английским!

Дали сделать такое задание
2.3. Write complete answers to these questions.
1. How much are these apples? – 90 p/ kilo
2. How often do you take these pills? – Once/ day
3. What speed are we doing? – 100 km/ hour
4. How many miles a gallon do you do? – 45 miles/ gallon
5. How often is the rubbish collected? – Twice/ week
6. How much does olive oil cost? – $2/ litre
7. How much does he earn? – $ 15,000/ year
8. How many people were there? – About 1000.
9. How fast can you type? – 50 words/ minute.
10. How much butter do we need? – Half/ pound.
Я так понимаю при помощи слов после вопросов дать ответы на эти вопросы. Помогите, пожалуйста!

9 ответов
Последний — Перейти

сама думай своей головой! хочешь на чужом горбу в рай въехать?


и не лень писать было? за это время уже выучить могла и написать


Примерно так, но проверьте еще, форумчане:

Ninety pense per kilo

once a day

a hundred kilometres per hour

forty-five miles per gallon

twice a week

two dollars per litre

fifteen thousand dollars a year

about one thousand

fifty words per minute

half a pound


а мне кажется, что нужно полностью писать, например - These apples are ninety pense per kilo.

I take these pills once a day. и т.д. задание дано - дать полные ответы на вопросы

Naf Naf

1)These apples cost-90p a kilo 2)One per day 3)we are doing 100 km at hour 4)45 miles a gallon 5)Twice a week 6)The olive oil cost does:$2 a litre 7)He earn does 15,ooo$ at year 8)There were about 1000 people 9) I can type 50 words at a minute 10)We need half a pound of butter.


1 these apples cost ninety per kilogramme.

2 i take this pills once a day.

3 we are doing a hundred kilometres per hour.

4 i do fourty five miles per gallon.

5 the rubbish is collected twice a week.

6 Olive oil costs two dollars per litre.

7 he earns fifteen thousands dollars per year.

8 there were about one thousand people.

9 i can type fifty words per minute.

10 we need a half pound of butter.


4. Точно! Как это я сразу не догадалась...

Ой, тогда длинно получается, лень писать...

These apples cost ninety pense a kilo

I take these pills once a day

We are going at a speed one hundred kilometres per hour

I do forty-five miles per gallon

The rubbish collection is twice a week

Olive oil costs two dollars a litre

He earns fifteen thousand dollars a month

There were around one thousand people there

Ну а последние два сделайте уж сама по образцу.


Спасибо всем!!!!! Я просто неязыковой специальности, мне сложно. Еще раз СПАСИБО!!!!


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Помогите составить рассказ опираясь на вопросы:

Who's in your immediate/extended family?

How do you get on with your family members?

What family cultural traditions are there in your country?

What is important in your family?

What does family mean to you?

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