Умер Майкл Джексон

Умер Майкл Джексон

От сердечного приступа в своем доме, врачи спасти не смогли.

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Гость 140..693

G- Is she still mad at you?

M- She won't talk to me about (inaudible) . Its just...... (muffled) way she handles things...she pushes me away.

G- Don't (inaudible) me saying this...Its your own fault (inaudible parts).............I told you not to do that.(pause) I mean just because she's in college, she is not (inaudible) naive.(laughs)

M- (sighs) I wish she would (inaudible) listen to me...but you can't tell that girl anything when she's mad. I know.I trust her.but then..I get so insecure. She knows how to be (muffled).... (muffled) with(inaudible) opposite sex, it makes me so (inaudible) angry that she doesn't see it happen. You know how I feel about women using (inaudible) sexuality.

G-OMG-NOO "S" is not doing that! Take my advice, ...........don't (inaudible) your own experiences onto her......and ambush it, (inaudible) you do...... , Just don▓t go there.into the games ....(inaudible) antics. (laughs) Remember (muffled) you told me about Randy and the 2 girls fighting over who gets to sit in the limousine..then the one he turned down shows up with Marcus (laughs).

M- oh yeah the (inaudible).............that was a long time ago(giggles) He ended up chasing her around the night of the (muffled) (laughs) ..the thing is.she(name) knows how to get under my skin..really..I don▓t get mad easily..


"When you dance you become the emotion of that sound".

"I'm a slave to the rythm". - MJ

I would feel that my life would be incomplete if I don't have a large family. But right now I'm married to work". - MJ

- just several pieces that I remember from the real 1993 interview.

ps. Gost' 140, may I ask you a specific question: Where did you learn English? In a USRR school or university?!? It's unbelievable then... because you have a very good command of English.

I still do struggle sometimes with my English, as a line of a song would say - "Words don't come easy to me". Or maybe I'm a "language-challenged person", rolf, speaking in politically correct terms.

Гость 140..693

G- I was wondering when you were going to say (muffled) about that.

(muffled words)

M- I don't know.....I just...I want... not to be so jealous but its (inaudible) hard when you want something you can't have. (inaudible) try not to show her that I mind (inaudible) ............. then I end up doing something insane. At the time it just happened and she let me..even though she was sulking after..

G- Nothing is wrong with you. just you (inaudible) set the examplesince S is younger and she (inaudible) knows that you are going to give in to her (laughs) ......honestly, your making her jealous backfires and she (inaudible) follows your example(inaudible) succeeds . I am telling you (inaudible) she is just making you jealous because you started it,........... (inaudible) (inaudible) she has no interest in anyone but youyou know that to! Don't worry (muffled)

M-(laughs) okay I am done playing her games..it just drives me crazy (muffled) I just want to love her , that's all...why is it so(inaudible), girl?

G- That▓s love for you.. (laughs)

M- (chuckles) People think I invite drama (muffled) my life. I really don't (muffled). ....really

Гость 140..693

- (Noise).............. what (muffled) is, you just encourage it. (laughs) When I was in (inaudible) my roommate would have a tragedy every (muffled)..maybe twice a week..she exaggerated everything (inaudible)................I would (inaudible) what's wrong with my life nothing exciting ever happens. But she was always in turmoil. (inaudible part) I think (muffled) if things were calm.... Carly, she didn't know how to deal with it, you see what I'm saying (inaudible.

M- Yes... I don't want that around me. (inaudible words). She calms me................she tells me when I'm wrong and I listen even though I am (inaudible) stubborn......not with her. Let me ask (inaudible) you know why it's her?

G- Yeah I have an idea. I (muffled)

M- tell me what you think>?

G- Oh I really (muffled) about it............ I (inaudible) it's because she gets you like nobody else (inaudible) . She doesn't care who (muffled) you are... she tells you like it is....and you've said to me , you shared (inaudible) secrets with her ..........she is their (inaudible) the tough

Гость 140..693

times, (inaudible parts) depression......she relates. One of the most important things is, ......... you took the time to (muffled) to know her Michael............. (inaudible) didn't rush with each other.. Not to mention all the first times you have shared.(laughs)

M- (clears throat) hold one sec...


M- (inaudible) because I have a bond with her .........GIRL, That is rare for me! . I (inaudible) normally let my guard down even if (inaudible) am close to you. (inaudible) don't have to look over my shoulders (muffled) the time....she (inaudible) (inaudible) secure with who she is...she says "I just want to be with you ,no matter (inaudible)" She (inaudible) encourages me to get over all my insecurities... Its like this (muffled) .......that little bit of an opening I have (inside?) to let anyone in.....(inaudible) she snuck in there .......... ............(muffled) I end up doing senseless things because of it.

Гость 140..693

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Ага, а до этого были еще интервью Ибони Джет 1987 г. перед началом Бэд тура, там он такой красивый, о музыке, детях, благотворительсости. сдается мне, 13 молчание - всего лишь ход для привлечения внимания к Опре был.

Гость 140..693


вот оно, еси поискать есть и в лучшем качестве


Спасибо, гость 140, за копирование нового транскрипта - я все-таки не могу этого делать почему-то. Хнык-хнык.

Я тож только что зашла на тот блог, увидела новую фотографию - она зацепила мой взгляд - кликнула на линк - там фотография в сильно увеличенном виде. И вот что я заметила (я давно видела эту *деталь*, но никогда не знала откуда это и почему. Кстати, со временем тот шов стал намного заметнее и как-бы *поплыл вниз*).

Так вот, на нижней губе (с правой стороны экрана) виден шов в виде полумесяца - там почти пол-губы *захвачено*. Шов тоненький и незаметный. Возможно и на верхней губе тож маленький шовчик. У меня два варянта - или кто-то побил Майкла и разбил ему сильно губы, или это первый результат волчанки (и какой-либо операции на том участке кожи) - так как только одна половина рта затронута (это 100% не пластическая операция). Или папаша его побил, или посудой порезался (тонким стаканом, например)...

Потом, с возрастом, именно эта часть рта немного опустилась как-бы. И я смотрела фотографии где контур был таким неровным именно там.

И, не помню точно, давали ли я линк на интервью его мейк-ап артиста, той самой Карен, где она говорит какой косметикой пользовался Майкл. Я, хотя и видела ту черную коробочку с золотистой полоской в руках у Майкла во время интервью с Баширом, все-таки сильно удивилась ответу Карен. Я думала что они использовали какую-то очень сильную профессиональную косметику с термоядерным покрытием (тот же М.А.К., например), а оказывается Майклу нравился *мой любимый Ланком* - дабл финиш, самого светлого оттенка :-))). Она, Карен, говорила что почти в каждой комнате валялась новая коробочка той пудры - то есть чтоб *всегда была под рукой*. Кстати, только Ланком имеет такой *почти белый* цвет в своей коллекции, поэтому и мой выбор пал на нее тоже.


5998, so right! I thought it was a Ebony magazine interview, but I now remember seing it before (but I totally forgot about it)... He looked gorgeous there, in a leather jacket and red shirt. Yet, a lot of "eye makeup" and the brow shape is slightly different. Sorri, but I'm really obsessed with things like that, can't help it...

That's the "face" photo (from Blade blog):


and this is Karen's short interview:


Гость 140..693

5999, такой шов по красной кайме (виден на многих фото) - остается после хейлопластики. У Николь Кидман такой же шов (виден на особо удачных фото:)) только на верхней губе.

Гость 140..693

Видно же, что с годами губы изменили форму и размер

Гость 140..693

Про расисзм, Тойя в своей книжке описала эпизод с избиением Майкла (во времена Джексон 5) белым владельцем придорожного магазинчика, который обвинил его в мелкой краже. Спас его тогда Билли Брей...

Про Опру и расизм, она как раз ориентирована на белую аудиторию, поэтому и такая позиция. Жалко, что у меня не сохранились комментарии с того блога, очень много было как ссылок на ее высказывания, так и просто впечатления людей, следившими за ее шоу годами, и охладевшими в конце концов. Она озабочена собой, своей детской травмой, и своим весом, все. Да, при этом и она, и Дайан Сойер считают себя серьезными журналистами. Сойер, предворяя один из вопросов МД или ЛМП, даже сказала, что настоящей журналистке (как она)не к лицу задавать таблоидные вопросы, но тем не менее, продолжила как ни в чем не бывало, и спросила то ли про отношения, то ли про то как ЛПМ могла ваще выйти за него.

Гость 140..693
american dream

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Чего-то не верится, про рок-звезду еще куда ни шло, но "одержимость смертью" воняет желтизной невозможой. Drama queen as he was, still 2 much. Посмотрим

Гость 140....693

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Наш ответ Чемберлену


Michael Jackson´s Last Concert - Live Vocals - 10 Minutes Of Highlights

И в какой-такой плохой форме Майкл??? Ошиблась она с "mirror"

Если не видели, новый кусочек This Is It -репетиция Human Nature http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1eAQtGEM_o


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Если речь идет о концерте в 1993, то она права. По российскому каналу было интервью с устроителем концерта, он рассказывал, как почему-то были закрыты билетные кассы, как в метро по громкоговорителям объявляли, что концерт отменен. При этом шел дождь, народ верил и расходился по домам... Майкл глядя на это, решил отказаться от выступления. Какая-то женщина притащила рисунок с изображением Майкла своей полуслепой дочери, Майклу дали его для автографа, и когда он понял, что за рисунок, он сказал: "Я буду выступать. Только пусть воду со сцены вытрут". Пришлось бесплатно раздавать билеты народу(вот кому-то повезло). И в итоге он не взял денег за концерт, попросив только оплатить рейс. Кстати, концерта могло и не быть - сыграл человеческий фактор. Вот этот устроитель (забыла фамилию) снимал его концерт в Бухаресте, ему так понравилось работать с Майклом, что он отказался от гонорара, и Майкл, в знак благодарности, пообещал приехать в Москву.

А по поводу зарплат не знаю, я тогда еще в школе училась, но где-то 200 р. в месяц у служащих была. Вот бы курс знать? Но с голоду никто не помирал, по-моему:)

Кстати, ОБОЖАЮ песню Stranger In Moscow....


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И это знает только горстка людей...

Как мерзко..

Гость 140..693

Сообщение было удалено

Не, не желтизной воняет.... Сценарием.........;)


С зарплатой перепутала, сорьки. так было в 80х. а в 93 зарплата в 100$ была скромной, но терпимой.


тут голос Майкла слышно хорошо


Michael Jackson This is it Human Nature


А голос ну нисколько не изменился. Майкл в прекрасной форме!


Бог мой, ну почему я не могу оставлчть комменты в ютьюбе? Посмотрела репетицию по ссылке, кот. козява дала в посте 6010, и сердце так сжалось..Он поет так же, как и раньше, в 1997 г., в 1992 г., т.е. голос то совсем не изменился..И он такой живчик там.. Опять так грустно стало, эх..


Даже свое коронное "Бэм" не изменилось:-) Если бы был поупитаннее, я бы точно сказала, что это репетиция 1992 года, все-таки очень уж он худощав.


Нельзя говорит негр,хотя когда я была октябренком и пионеркой мы даже стихи учили со словом негр...А сейчас это ,странное дело творится,считается оскорблением,типа надо говорить афроамериканец,Что -то я не припомню на концерте МД и 20% черных,одни белые,мне всегда казалось,что негры предпочитают рэп,а тут на улицы в США вышли одни афроаменриканцы,так по крайней мере видно по ТВ в новостях и вот тут я призадумалась.....Как уже в печенках сидит рассизм,просто надоело...белые уже зашуганы больше.Я не рассистка,упаси меня Бог,но надоело это бесконечное давление"на черно-белые клавиши".


6010, спасибо за ссылку - вот именно этот клип показали в передаче Опры, там действительно очень хороший голос Майкла!!!

На том форуме *Липстик алли* дали ссылку на такой же клип (только худшего качества записи самого голоса) - то что сказать, даже те ярые стороники того что Майкл был *очень здоров* (в плане веса) взяли свои слова обратно. Все-таки он действительно слишком худой на этих репетициях, но это ему не мешало хорошо двигаться и петь вживую. Но что-то там со здоровьем было не совсем *хорошо*...

И простите мое сравнение, но когда я вчера вечером смотрела подобный клип в Ютюбе, мне стало очень грустно, так как образ такого худого Майкла очень сильно напомнил мне образ худющего Фредди Меркюри в 1990 году. Тогда он надевал несколько слоев одежды на себя, так как ему было холодно, да и чтоб немного придать объем своему телу для съемок своего последнего клипа.

И Майкл почему начал увлекаться такой же многослойной одеждой... Где-то я чтитала (не знаю если правда), что во время репетиции тот самый К. Ортега (он был постановщиком и туров Майкла, и последних репетиций тоже) вроде как *кормил* Майкла чуть ли не насильно, то есть создавал ситуации когда им *надо перекусить*.

А по поводу рассизма - сейчас процветает именно *скрытый рассизм наоборот* уже со стороны афро-американцев, и все-таки почти открытый рассисзм со стороны консерваторов и *белого юга* (там же живут потомки тех самых рабовладельцев, лол).

Все-таки трудная эта проблема, хотя мне непонятная (так как я не видела воочию ту самую сегрегацию 40-50-60 годов и т.д.). По аналогии со Второй Мировой Войной - для нас это что-то *близкое, выстраданное поколениями* и понятное (дедушки с бабушками ведь рассказывали подробности), а для них - какая-то там война на европейской территории и т.д. (хтя они тоже потеряли много солдат, средств и потом помогали Европе).


Вот фотография большого клана Джексонов (по моему, снятое в 2003 году, судя по лицу Майкла - лол, это уже ориентир во времени). Там 115 членов этой большой семьи!!! Представьте себе сколько родственников вокруг Майкла (и почти все говорят *дай* или *помоги* :-).

Если присмотреться, то большинство взрослых все-таки афро-американского типа, но некоторые детки уже более светлого или смешанного типа кожи.


"Michael Jackson's secret sister on historic family photo"


MJ's half-sister said that Michael was very cold with her. I have to say that, in my opinion, Mike was really gelous and somewhat angry of his half-sister: she was LOVED and huged by papa Joe, while Michael suffered his beatings and cold treatment...

I would do the same to her, it's just human nature.


Получается МД соединил в себе два цвета кожи,он черен и бел,т.е примерил как бы две рассы...У нас был А.С.Пушкин,у них МД.Бог любит троицу,подождем.....

Очень жаль что мало форумов о МД,мало,либо они иисякли ,к сожалению.....

А теперь о бренности бытия-хорошо ,что его не кремировали,а то я читала в интернете,что в этой"вечной опочивальне"стоят урны с прахом,жуть...Может пресса исказила что-то не знаю.....


На др.форумах якобы ,подчеркиваю,экстассенсы пишут,что МД мертв,т.к. от фото веет холодом..


6017-Вроде он со своей сестрой по отцу никогда не встречался,только видел ее с отцом


Только что прочитала статью от 14 сентября на сайте Дэйли экспресс,про эту внебрачную сестру.Оказывается не только Майкл,но и Джанет тоже не очень захотела с ней общатся

Гость 140..693

G- when did you last (inaudible) " S"?

M- A (muffled) days ago at the apartment...I told her come up lets just talk and she(muffled) given me this book she (inaudible) to read ....umm... ... slaughterhousefive..... she (muffled) loves to read. So I promised I'd help her with her (inaudible) for her class..........cause she didn't really get.... she didn't like the (inaudible) in the book

G-Oh, I love that book! I could have helped (inaudible) (laughs) .

M- ....honestly I didn't have time to read it so I (inaudible) much help. I had my brace on so I thought we could just (inaudible) in bed . Maybe watch a movie....or something else....(laughs) (inaudible part) It was hard , I couldn't move around (muffled)..... afterwords, she stayed over to take care (inaudible) and we just cuddled, played music trivia which she knows nothing (inaudible) ,so instead I just sang them to her and she fell asleep, it's not only (inaudible part) , it's on another level our intimacy.

G- you two have something special ..beyond (inaudible) time or rules, Michael. Did you drive her (inaudible) the next day?

M- Nooo ...it not safe ...... that..well ..not like the beginining....... She

made breakfast ..we showered and she left first.............she had her car in (inaudible). (sigh) After that is when I (inaudible) it. I should have just (inaudible) a moment ....(muffled) (inuadible part) expressed my feelings better to her than just (muffled) at her.

Гость 140..693

G- Just apoligize. Your both adults, misunderstandings happen Michael. She has (inaudible) them .... you didn't walk away either Michael. She is not going to..its so silly.(laughs) (inaudible)remember the amazing gift she gave you (muffled) your birthday, she (muffled) loves you.

M- I know..I know she does.....I just(muffled) ... I feel so bad about it. I know I am stubborn (muffled parts) ..... I just feel jumpy when I can't be in control (inaudible parts)..............which is a lot when it comes to her and us. I did it out of love but......(inaudible) in my face. It's my fault.... (inaudible part)

G- That's why I know this is different. You told me you don't get attached easily or you (inaudible) on quickly...this (inaudible) different...you've let your gaurd down.?

M- Of course, Its because I trust in in her completely, other (muffled) in her (ear/hair??) I don't trust (inuadible part) ................ I know she is real....(inaudible part) the magic....she won't ever say (inaudible) ....not even if she hates me...... twenty years from now....that's why I can tell her everything. She has my heart, I want to protect her........usually its the other way around....people wanting to protect me...................Its real.............I won't ever hurt her.(inaudible) ...,not on purpose.....I respect her (muffled). Like ,she really gets me. (muffled) see's me without the (inaudible) costumes...without the veil ..(inaudible) see's me just as I am ......I am (inaudible) with her.

Гость 140..693

G- I think it's also (muffled) you are lonely for so long. You can't just (inaudible) out in public without the mob scene........now you have ((inaudible part) acccepts it..... because she is in the (inaudible) situation.

audio jumps....starts here... (probably a different conversation)

M- So you think the plan , I don't want to say too much (inaudible), but will it work?

G- Why,are you not home? (inaudible)

M- No,(inaudible) why, I don't know if its safe. But the big ___?? we talked about.....should i go through with it.

G- yes, that's perfect! I told you do it!




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M- Hmm...Is (inaudible) going to love it or kill me (inaudible)(inaudible).. (laughs)

G- I think "S' will love it.

M- I hope she does (inaudible) ...................let's talk about it when I can speak freely not yet

(inaudible words).

G- Okay, (laughing) I'm trying to talk to you without saying everything. (laughs) Its hard when I have to think about it. So Michael did you (muffled) that thing you were going to (inaudible) the other thing.

M- pardon......what do mean?

G-( laughing) I was being sarcastic about ( inaudible)

M- (laughs) I was (inaudible) what are you talking about....... hold on just a ...(muffled)

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Кормит его пытались на репетиции менеджеры АЕГ, одним из блюд была овощная лазанья, ну и остальные блюда тоже были из книги о вкусной и здоровой пище:))Не скрою, и мне показалась болезненной его худоба, особенно в кителе с приподнятыми плечиками - прямо Кощеюшко... Но, с другой стороны, надень он маменькин блестящий кардиган с паетками и широкие штаны, и вуала - Мотаун 25 лук, или, вспомните интервью дома в Енсино (у фонтана, меджик, все дела, в красных ужасно облегающих джинсах "Ι have an idiot of a sister). По крайней мере, лучше так, чем заплывший жиром Элвис.. А фредди с его свитерами мне тоже запомнился, в клипе к Иннуендо, с бананами на голове

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Были еще фото 2006 или 2007 на шоппинге в Дубае, там на нем были скинни джинс, да и он сам был очень скинни.

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Хинт ранее выложенным транскиптам: другой пароль строчными буквами

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Решила выожить транскрипт интервью МД Брету Ратнеру в 2004, ссылка на который давала Гостюха,

Forget your personal tragedy. We are all b.itched from the start and you especially have to be hurt like hell before you can write seriously. But when you get the damned hurt, use it--don't cheat with it. Be as faithful to it as a scientist--but don't think anything is of any importance because it happens to you or anyone belonging to you."

Those words of advice, quoted in Robert Evans's The Kid Stays in the Picture, were given to F. Scott Fitzgerald by Hemingway, some 70 years ago. They are as relevant today as ever.

Speaking of life's desires, hurts, and euphoria! It ain't easy being a genius: You do pay the price, not unlike Mozart, who will be remembered far longer than Napoleon. Michael Jackson understands this irony. No one I have ever met in my life has had such passion and love for entertainment. His work, brilliance, and vision will be remembered far longer than any of those who now think of him harshly.

Michael and I have shared many a day, week, and month together. Our relationship is based on our love of films. We have watched many films together, and our personal favorite that we enjoy most is Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory! A few months before the latest drama, he and I were on a little vacation. In the past he has often put a video camera to my face and asked me questions. This is what Michael does with his friends: He becomes a scientist and dissects them through questions in order to learn. Many times he has asked me how my childhood dreams became a reality, about why I wanted to become a director. So I decided it was time to hear from him about his childhood dreams.

After my interview, I went out and bought all the records he mentioned and listened to them, understanding a little more about Michael. What you are about to read is a very private and personal conversation between two friends.

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BRETT RATNER: Do you have a mentor or someone who inspired you?

MICHAEL JACKSON: Yeah, I do: Berry Gordy, Diana Ross, Thomas Edison, Walt Disney, James Brown, Jackie Wilson.

BR: And what did you learn from them?

MJ: I learned a lot from them--about how to be a visionary, how to be creative, how to be persistent, how to be determined, how to have a will of iron and to never give up no matter what. You know?

BR: What was your first job in the music industry, and how did you get it?

MJ: First job, probably ... Gee, I don't remember back that far. I was around 6 years old. Maybe it was Mr. Lucky's. I think it was a club--yeah, Mr. Lucky's. We performed there.

BR: And how'd you get the job?

MJ: I don't know; my father would know. I was too little.

BR: What was your first break and the first great thing that ever happened to you?

MJ: The real big break was when Motown signed us. We auditioned in Detroit, and Berry Gordy invited all our favorite stars that we saw as kids to this little town in Indiana: Diana Ross, Smokey Robinson & the Miracles, the Temptations, and Stevie Wonder--everybody was there. And it was next to this indoor pool at this huge mansion, marble everywhere. We performed, and they just went crazy. They loved it. And [Gordy] says, "Boys, you're signed."

BR: Really?

MJ: Yeah.

BR: And you remember that day?

MJ: Oh, I remember it.

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BR: What elements of your job make you want to go to work every day?

MJ: I want to work every day--just the idea of creating worlds. It's like taking a canvas, an empty canvas, you know, a clean slate. They give you paint, and we just color and paint and create worlds. I just love that idea. And having people see it and be awe-inspired whenever they see it.

BR: What qualities of yours helped you get where you are today?

MJ: Faith and determination. And practice.

BR: Right. Practice makes perfect. What would you have done differently in your career if you knew then what you know now?

MJ: What would I have done differently? Let me see ... Practice more.

BR: Practice more?

MJ: I practiced a lot.

BR: You practiced a hell of a lot! [Jackson laughs] But you would have practiced more? [Jackson nods] What's your greatest lesson learned?

MJ: Not to trust everybody. Not to trust everybody in the industry. There're a lot of sharks. And record companies steal. They cheat. You have to audit them. And it's time for artists to take a stand against them, because they totally take advantage of [artists]. Totally. They forget that it's the artists who make the company, not the company who makes the artists. Without the talent, the company would be nothing but just hardware. And it takes a real good talent that the public wants to see.

BR: What are some of your favorite albums?

MJ: My favorite albums would be Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite, Claude Debussy's greatest hits, which is, you know, "Claire de Lune" and "Arabesque" and The Afternoon of a Faun. I love Marvin Gaye's What's Going On, James Brown's Live at the Apollo, The Sound of Music [soundtrack]. I love Rodgers and Hammerstein. I love the great show-tune writers very much, and I love Holland-Dozier-Holland from Motown--they were geniuses. So many great writers. So many great ones.

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BR: Any other great albums, like contemporary albums?

MJ: Great albums ... It's hard because albums today have one or two great songs and the rest stink.

BR: Or older style---it could be like Marvin Gaye or Sly.

MJ: Sly & the Family Stone--I like everything they do. Stevie Wonder is a genius.

BR: Which album?

MJ: Every one. Talking Book. I love when he did "Living for the City." I forget the name of it [the album]. Fantastic. I think that was Innervisions--fantastic. Hearing this music made me say to myself, "I can do this, and I think I can do this on an international level."

BR: Really?

MJ: Really, and then when the Bee Gees came out in the '70s, that did it for me. I cried. I cried listening to their music. I knew every note, every instrument.

BR: [sings] "This broken heart ..."

MJ: [sings] "How can you mend ..."

BR: [sings] "This broken heart ..."

MJ: And [sings] "How can you stop the rain from falling down?" I love that. [sings with Ratner] "How can you stop the sun from shining? What makes the world go 'round." I love that stuff. And when they did Saturday Night Fever, that did it for me. I said, "I gotta do this. I know I can do this." And we hit with Thriller. And I just started writing songs. I wrote "Billie Jean." I wrote "Beat It," "Startin' Somethin'." Just writing, writing. It was fun.

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BR: Any posters up in your room when you were a kid?

MJ: Yeah. Brooke Shields, everywhere. My sisters would get jealous and tear them off the wall.

BR: What are the great shows that you've seen, concerts?

MJ: James Brown. Jackie Wilson. The real entertainers, the real ones, make you get goose bumps.

BR: It was James Brown? Where'd you see him?

MJ: We used to have to go onstage after him because he would come on and then we would come on amateur hour. So I'd be in the wings studying every step, every move--

BR: --On TV?

MJ: No, at the Apollo [Theater].

BR: Amateur Hour at the Apollo. And you saw him perform?

MJ: Yeah, and Jackie Wilson. All of them--the Delphonics, the Temptations.

BR: But do you remember one show? You saw the Temptations, too?

MJ: Yeah.

BR: But was there a show when you said like, "Oh, my God"?

MJ: James Brown, Jackie Wilson.

BR: At the Apollo?

MJ: Yeah, they made me cry. I've never seen nothing like that. That kind of emotion, that kind of fever, feeling--it was like another higher, spiritual plane they were on. They were, like, in a trance, and they had the audience in the palms of their hands. I just loved how they could control them like that, that kind of power. When they'd sing they'd have tears running down their faces. They'd get so into it.

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BR: At the Apollo?

MJ: Yeah, they made me cry. I've never seen nothing like that. That kind of emotion, that kind of fever, feeling--it was like another higher, spiritual plane they were on. They were, like, in a trance, and they had the audience in the palms of their hands. I just loved how they could control them like that, that kind of power. When they'd sing they'd have tears running down their faces. They'd get so into it.

BR: What are some of your favorite songs?

MJ: Favorite songs of all time? I love Burt Bacharach very much. Any Motown. The Beatles, like "Eleanor Rigby," "Yesterday." Any of the Supremes'. All that stuff is great. I think the '60s had some of the best melodies of all time between Peter, Paul, and Mary, and you know, all those people. The Mamas and the Papas were wonderful. And the Drifters go a little further back, but I love that song "On Broadway"--it's genius. The simple ones are the best, I think. I love "Alfie"--so beautiful. There are so many. Like movies, there are so many great movies.

BR: So list a few things that could be helpful to someone breaking into the music business.

MJ: Believe in yourself. Study the greats and become greater. And be a scientist. Dissect. Dissect.

BR: You said something else before: Don't give up.

MJ: No matter what. I don't care if the whole world is against you or teasing you or saying you're not gonna make it. Believe in yourself. No matter what. Some of the greatest men who have made their mark on this world were treated like that--you know, "You're not gonna do it, you're not gonna get anywhere." They laughed at the Wright brothers. They laughed at Thomas Edison. They laughed at Walt Disney. They made jokes about Henry Ford. They said he was ignorant. Disney dropped out of school. That's how far they went. These men shaped and changed our culture, our customs, the way we live, the way we do things.

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And I think God plants those seeds through people on the earth. And I think you're one, I'm one to bring some bliss and escapism, some joy, some magic. Because without entertainment, what would the world be like? You know? What would it really be like? It would be a totally different world for me. I love entertainment. And my favorite of all is film. The power and magic of movies. It's the greatest, it's the most expressive of all the art forms. I think it touches the soul. Music and movies are the most expressive. It's almost like religion: You get so involved, so caught up. You go in the theater a different person than you come out. It affects you that way. That's powerful. I think that's strong. I love that.

BR: When you can make an audience feel.

MJ: Yeah, yeah.

BR: They relate to it.

MJ: Yeah, they live it. They're a part of it. They forget they're sitting in a seat.

BR: The experience of watching a movie affects their life.

MJ: Their whole life. It could change your life.

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BR: Yes, I remember seeing Star Wars in the theater when I was 7 years old. It's a different experience for Paris or Prince [Jackson's children] seeing it today on DVD, 27 years later. I saw it when it first came out, with all the shock and awe of the time. No one had ever seen anything like it. There were lines for blocks, and I didn't even get in the first time. I had to go back the next day to try again. The memory of being so desperate, at 7 years old, to see that movie makes it an even more unforgettable experience. The first time you see something like that, it permanently affects your life. It's like listening to a song or seeing an artist perform for the first time. Getting to see James Brown, and that moment of tears coming out of your eyes, is different than listening to it on the radio 20 years later.

MJ: I can't tell you how incredible it was. I just love the great entertainers, the great performers, the great showmen, the great storytellers. Just watching them, you're just mesmerized. You're caught up in it. I love it. One spotlight, baby.

BR: Frank Sinatra.

MJ: Yeah. Those guys are cool. And Sammy Davis. I just love it, the whole thing. It's magic, it's real magic.

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LOL at Brooke's poster, пропущен кусочек про Генри Форда, которому в суде пришлось доказывать дееспособность.

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http://i32.tinypic.com/2djx76b.jpg Мики блю айз на природе

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link for download

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Below is an exchange from the other blog, I am not sure whether it's true, but wish to God it would be

So I hear MJ's estate is now solvent (dont owe NOBODY) and Katherine will get 30K a month for herself. Another 30k for expenses and the kids get 60K a month....lol

Why do 3 kids need 60K a month...lol (I just hope Jerloser is kept away but I dont think he will be)

nonny ╥ 11 hours ago

Hey, now that was fast. I thought it was supposed to take years to clear the debt. I guess Mike's made quite a fortune since he passed. Good for the kids!

Vicki ╥ 11 hours ago

some of this goes towards the "help" - assistants, drivers, maids, tutors, etc.

But, yeah, it's a lot... One of the sites breaks it all down.

Kravemas ╥ 11 hours ago

Yeah I know 30K for expenses a month....Aint nobody else coming out of pocket?!!

Why MJ money got to pay for EVERYTHING at Hayvenhurst?


Vicki ╥ 10 hours ago

I bet they have their own rooms. The house is huge. Maybe the little one is sharing cause he doesn't want to be alone.

Kravemas ╥ 10 hours ago

They dont have their own rooms cause 5 other grandkids live there and MJ's quarters which was huge is off limits...

I wish Jermaine would take his kids and leave. Why cant he take care of them?

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And something else about eating habits, love the punch line, here it is:

I remember hearing him say eating is the only thing he's had control over (especially during his Motown years). PLus many sources say he's not much of an eater, especailly his mother.

Some people say it was his desire for a dancer's body that made him so slim. Sometimes I wouldn't his slenderness as something to look twice at, most dancers are extremely lean. Since his late J5/Thriller years he's been quite slim. I do believe there were issues though, he mentioned on one of the transcripts/audio about having issues with anorexia I believe.

chi_chi ╥ 11 hours ago

Plus sufferers of Lupus (like MJ) are advised to be vegetarians and fast sometimes (MJ did both (minus the KFC lol, he'd fast on Sundays he said when younger) as it helps keep the Lupus in remission. Also, to keep out of sunlight a bit.

Eri ╥ 11 hours ago

I don't know about the vegetarian and Lupus. My sister has Lupus and she has to eat a balanced diet because among other issues anemia is quite common in those with this disease. Its ironic, I have a sister with Lupus and one with Vitiligo. Both are autoimmune illnesses and both of which Mike suffered from..

AnniesNotOK ╥ 11 hours ago

TY for the Lupus info. I also remember reading something from him about fasting from time to time. On the other point, he seemed to have a true affair with KFC, ah? If I were "S" I'd be quite jealous! LOL

chi_chi ╥ 11 hours ago

LOL, I'm sure he would have bought her a bucket, I doubt he'd share...

AnniesNotOK ╥ 11 hours ago

Oh boy! No, Mike... you must share...!!

*singing to herself*

"We are the world... we are the chicken..." I mean, "... the children"!!!

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I really loved that informal "interview", my favourite to the date. But it was difficult at times to make out what he was saying, he sounded so frail, I had to glue my ears to the speakers, then I found the transripts and decided to post them here, a very good reading