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8 Which of the facts refer to tabloids and which — to broadsheets? Fill in the table.
Broadsheets Tabloids

• They are heavier.
• Their information is always very reliable.
• You can find jokes and crossword puzzles there.
• Business people start their day with them.
• Sometimes they don't check their information and get in trouble (имеют неприятности) for that.
• They always separate facts and comments.
• They publish a lot of photographs.
• They write a lot about celebrities and their secrets, scandals and private life (частная жизнь).
• They publish horoscopes.
• They never publish gossip (сплетни, слухи).
• More people buy them.
• They use intriguing headlines.
• They sometimes write about small unimportant events because they're interesting.
• They publish the opinion of the best experts from all over the world.
• One of their main topics is politics.
• They have a weather forecast.
9 Where will you look for this information?
Model: If I need information about David Beckham, Г11 look for it in the tabloids, because they write a lot about celebrities, scandals and private lives. — /7/ look for it in the sports magazines, because Beckham is a great football player.
• The American policy in Iraq
• An art exhibition in London
• The global economy
• Madonna's new album
• The private life of "The Matrix" star Keanu Reeves
• The situation of the financial markets
• This year's Nobel prize ceremony
• An expedition to Everest
• Favourite holiday places for British celebrities

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Стройная мама

Чем помочь-то?

Если надо перевести, то текст такой сложности (легкости) вполне можешь засунуть в www translate точка ru, переведет дословно. Лексика тут элементарная.


Девушка разницы не понимает между таблоидом и броадшиитом.


2, а шо это такое??


это загадки и надо отгадать ))))))


прикольно как , а нас 5 год Аракиным долбают:((( в словарях уже слов нет как в его учебнике, иностранцы не понимают о чем говорю, перепечатыавла фразу из учебника, спрашивали что это такое, и не одна я так думаю в нашей группе. думала интерсно будет))

Стройная мама

Сообщение было удалено

не англичанка

.8 Which of the facts refer to tabloids and which ≈ to broadsheets? Fill in the table.Broadsheets Tabloids ∙ They are heavier.∙ Their information is always very reliable.∙ You can find jokes and crossword puzzles there.∙ Business people start their day with them.∙ Sometimes they don't check their information and get in trouble (имеют неприятности) for that.∙ They always separate facts and comments.∙ They publish a lot of photographs.∙ They write a lot about celebrities and their secrets, scandals and private life (частная жизнь).∙ They publish horoscopes.∙ They never publish gossip (сплетни, слухи).∙ More people buy them.∙ They use intriguing headlines.∙ They sometimes write about small unimportant events because they're interesting.∙ They publish the opinion of the best experts from all over the world.∙ One of their main topics is politics.∙ They have a weather forecast.9 Where will you look for this information?Model: If I need information about David Beckham, Г11 look for it in the tabloids, because they write a lot about celebrities, scandals and private lives. ≈ /7/ look for it in the sports magazines, because Beckham is a great football player.∙ The American policy in Iraq∙ An art exhibition in London∙ The global economy∙ Madonna's new album∙ The private life of "The Matrix" star Keanu Reeves∙ The situation of the financial markets∙ This year's Nobel prize ceremony∙ An expedition to Everest∙ Favourite holiday places for British celebrities

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