Что значит диагноз F60. 303.?
То,что это расстройство личности и так ясно, но что значит эти 303? В интернете ничего не нашёл, а спросить у врачей уже не могу, выписали.
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Emotionally unstable personality disorder
Personality disorder characterized by a definite tendency to act impulsively and without consideration of the consequences; the mood is unpredictable and capricious. There is a liability to outbursts of emotion and an incapacity to control the behavioural explosions. There is a tendency to quarrelsome behaviour and to conflicts with others, especially when impulsive acts are thwarted or censored. Two types may be distinguished: the impulsive type, characterized predominantly by emotional instability and lack of impulse control, and the borderline type, characterized in addition by disturbances in self-image, aims, and internal preferences, by chronic feelings of emptiness, by intense and unstable interpersonal relationships, and by a tendency to self-destructive behaviour, including suicide gestures and attempts.
Personality (disorder):
dissocial personality disorder (F60.2)
Администрация сайта Woman.ru не дает оценку рекомендациям и отзывам о лечении, препаратах и специалистах, о которых идет речь в этой ветке. Помните, что дискуссия ведется не только врачами, но и обычными читателями, поэтому некоторые советы могут быть не безопасны для вашего здоровья. Перед любым лечением или приемом лекарственных средств рекомендуем обратиться к специалистам!
Emotionally unstable personality disorder
Personality disorder characterized by a definite tendency to act impulsively and without consideration of the consequences; the mood is unpredictable and capricious. There is a liability to outbursts of emotion and an incapacity to control the behavioural explosions. There is a tendency to quarrelsome behaviour and to conflicts with others, especially when impulsive acts are thwarted or censored. Two types may be distinguished: the impulsive type, characterized predominantly by emotional instability and lack of impulse control, and the borderline type, characterized in addition by disturbances in self-image, aims, and internal preferences, by chronic feelings of emptiness, by intense and unstable interpersonal relationships, and by a tendency to self-destructive behaviour, including suicide gestures and attempts.
Personality (disorder):
dissocial personality disorder (F60.2)
Тут же сказанно, НЕ F60.3.